United Bedrocco States

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Organisations United Bedrocco States
Leadership getplayerhead.sh?HY_Turkic&16.png HY_Turkic, getplayerhead.sh?pretzel33&16.png pretzel33, getplayerhead.sh?Flamehaze97&16.png Flamehaze97, getplayerhead.sh?Beeraeka&16.png Beeraeka
Headquarters Cascadia Wood
Founded 2 June 2020
Status Disbanded

Not to be confused with the United States of Bedrocco.

The United Bedrocco States (shortened U.B.S.) was a multi-town union within the Bedrocco Empire. At its peak it consisted of three towns; Cascadia Wood, Takadokia and Sand Island. Its largest and most populous town was Cascadia Wood. While technically a single political entity, the member towns of the UBS held a high level of autonomy.

It was disbanded on July 23 2020, only over a month after it was established.