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User NormalFery


Known as Fery
Gender Male
Location Spain (C.I)
Nationality Spanish
DOB Private-11-8
Occupation Student
In Freedonia
First joined August 18th 2019 (Under "FERYoutuber")
First building The Lone Island Home
Kit level ** Stone
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NormalFery is just one of the many players in MinecraftOnline/Freedonia. He joined once in 2019, then forgot about the server until, once again, in 2023, SalC1's video about the server itself got him once again, back into the server, now actually committing to the server itself

Actual quote from the player after he discovered the magics of the Sauna :

is it possible to leave sauna or do i just jump in the lava

In the end he jumped and died and lost his items.

Quite the happy ending

On February 21st, 2023. His sister, Fatima7732 joined, not important to the server history at all, but it did get the player scared for a second due to Fatima placing the wool on one of his chests. (Luckily he didn't get warned by the staff.)