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User Pepsolman


Known as "Peppy" "Pep" "Bepisman"
Gender Male
In Freedonia
First joined 10 April 2017
First building Peppy Mesa
Kit level ***** Obsidian
Legacy donor level ***** Obsidian
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Colossal Cactus

Colossal Cactus

Peppy Mesa

Peppy Mesa

Peppy Buttes

Peppy Buttes



Freedonia Free Speech Statue

Freedonia Free Speech Statue

Staff Grief Head

Staff Grief Head

First Official Player Death

  • Death reason: Killed by Billshields
  • Coordinates: 10761 29 -7603 in the normal world
  • Time: 02:42 on 30 Jun 2017


In the beginning, I had enjoyed a significant amount of time in solitude and peace upon the beautiful mesa near Novatown. Returning to my home one afternoon, I had no idea that all of it was coming to an end. It was quiet, too quiet. I went down to my first hidden sheep farm below my underground food supply. The room was empty and not a single drop of wool left. I was furious. I knew that at this moment my time in Freedonia would change forever. My sheep were all slaughtered in cold blood and I had to investigate this murder immediately. Previously, Blobehh and KevinGriffioen were guests of Peppy Mesa. Blobehh had come to help me with some things and Kevin came by to take a tour. Little did I know that this was all in the plans of the dark one himself. You see, at this point I had no idea who this demon was. I had challenged him remotely on his racism and bullying of other players and had no idea I had opened a vault I couldn't seal back.

Behind the scenes, this creature had took offense to being challenged on the hatred he was spreading. I denounced his free speech as hate crimes and he couldn't have lamented my words more. Determined to make me suffer, he spoke to Kevin to find my location so he could torment me personally and now knowing his capabilities he could have found me sooner. I retreated to Colossal Cactus (in its infant stages). A secondary sheep farm was there. Moments later, as I waited for the sheep to regrow their wool, the creature struck me from behind. He was using an invisible spell. I was startled, but was not about to be taken advantage of so I fled Freedonia. I came back and could see him below me... killing them... all of them. His rainbow colored face struck a nerve that I have never felt venturing on many lands till now. I was full of rage. I had just witnessed the fury of the one known as Dethsh0k.

I cried for help and asked why this was happening. No true help came and the only real reply I received was this: "This is Dethshok. You must accept him. Don't fuel the fire or feed the beast. You will suffer endlessly if you do." I retreated back to my home to catch my senses. Moments later, there he was... attacking me near my chests. Again, I retreated. As I tried to reason with the demonic spawn of Satan, I learned I could only handle this with one approach: silence. For days, the only person I had any communication with was Krenath as I tried to understand who I was dealing with and what I could do to survive. As kind and patient as Krenath was to show me ways to protect my sheep from sudden death... none would stop Deth and his Obsidian abilities. I built numerous off sight, underground sheep farms to continue harvesting and avoiding any conflict. Over time, Deth would find me and kill them all again. How? Was it some illegitimate method he had used to locate me? Or was it someone else gave away my location to him just because they wanted to cause conflict? This put me in the unnerving position of no longer trusting anyone in Freedonia.

The days were grueling and hard and the progress on the Colossal Cactus were coming to a halt. My sheep kept dying and I was unable to harvest fast enough to keep momentum building. I knew something had to change or I would eventually give up building. I noticed that Deth and his friend billshields responded to use of racial slurs and homophobic erotica discussions. I slowly found a way to befriend the evil demon... but the cost was that I had to drift to the dark side... and slowly... become Deth himself. Not long after I had finally received Obsidian powers of my own, I was standing beside Deth as we laughed over a body that was covered in lava. The magnificent joy this demon felt in tormenting a poor soul was met by spreading a tremendous amount of lava where he was to spawn. This was the beginning of the end.

I started to see Dethshok in myself as I too was spreading racial hatred and killing innocent victims left and right. All the tension that had built up between Deth and I was then being extracted upon helpless individuals. The evil power was overtaking me with each kill and each little bit of vulgarity and plight created. I had become an extension and part of a powerful evil alliance. Our main target had become the Moon base. We found that the ocean above was clear and free to build on during our slaughter of ScarClaw72 and Mr_Fudgy. That was the birth of N-Town, a town symbolic of hatred and bonded in the blood of our evil alliance. N-Town started out as a taunt to our enemies, but it suddenly became a territory battle as Bowbyslag gave them God protection. N-Town and the Moon base eventually started to intersect each other. And the building of both places came to a halt. Not too long after, the one know as Deth had suddenly been banned from the lands of Freedonia once more as he had assisted in the griefing of another individual through remote manipulation. They said "He'll be banned again. Give it time." I was surprised by the news as I found the demon to be very slick, cunning, and wise. However, he had made a grave mistake and that cost him banishment. And that's the moment I felt a huge weight lifted off of me. The darkness in my soul began to fade. The alliance was broken. Dethshok was gone. I was able to finally finish the construction of Colossal Cactus without any strings attached. It's amazing what decisions are made based on the politics of Freedonia. I had done what I had to do and it was over. This was my moment of peace and the chains that linked me to the demon were gone. I took this moment to step away for awhile and let the dramatic events that took place sift away into the lore of Freedonia.

I know that Dethshok will return again one day, and his fury will be like the fires of an eternal blaze.