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The World

Latest events

[MCS] ygarth left the game.
[MCS] <UZICRACK51> just_menso acá no puedo romper nada?
[MCS] <***Pelpikx> U wanna see current state of my railway?
[MCS] <***SludgyF> ok so can we maybe start now before you go to ukraine?
[MCS] <***Pelpikx> yes sure
[MCS] <***SludgyF> yes pelpikx sure
[MCS] <Ex-MattyQ> the last breaks I'm seeing in the past 9 days are you and Borys_Sandiego
[MCS] <***Pelpikx> meet me at spawn ok?
[MCS] <***SludgyF> yep
[MCS] <****FreezeItMC> is the flower grief?
[MCS] <*lightmodez> did he break this wool?
[MCS] <****Duran3838> what is /spanw?
[MCS] <Ex-MattyQ> TBH, i think it's possible someone could just tp up into this and steal, though?
[MCS] Pelpikx left the game.
[MCS] Pelpikx joined the game.
[MCS] <Ex-MattyQ> Are your chests locked with /lwc?
[MCS] <***SludgyF> Polish-cow
[MCS] <UZICRACK51> ATTENTION i can broke a block or i can get ban for that?
[MCS] <*lightmodez> some are, but yeah I will make it so that every chest is blocked with blocks
[MCS] <***Pelpikx> Oh hello

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Getting around the massive world of Freedonia is made easy by a system of warps. Type /listwarps in the game to see the full list. Warps are also shown on the map, under the markers option. To use one, simply type /warp [name].

The current warps, as generated from the server config, are:

Live Map

There is a live, zoomable, textured map of Freedonia, updated in near real time (around a five or ten minute delay, depending on player activity), using the Google Maps API. Both day and night modes are available, and it's possible to share links to individual locations. Warps and player homes are also shown. Dynamic lighting is calculated, and biome colours are extracted from the client data for the map. Try it now!

Below are a few snapshots from random map locations. These change each time this page is refreshed.